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Royal Honey for Him stick for potency

Why do you need it?
Royal Honey for Him?

  • For perfect sexual activity and lengthening the duration of intercourse.  

  • To increase desire and sensations during intercourse. 

  • To fight impotence and prevent it.

  • For instant energy replenishment.

  • To accelerate the absorption of nutrients and their metabolism.

  • To support the immune system.

  • For better muscle mass building.

  • To improve blood circulation.

  • To strengthen the functions of the brain and memory.


Many treatises have been written on the culture of sex, and the knowledge of the ancients about its technique has been handed down to us since time immemorial. The beauty of intercourse was depicted by artists, sculptors, and described by poets and writers. This basic need of our body has always been one of the most important parts of human life. But in today's hustle and bustle, we don't think about the damage to men's health caused by stress, which is simply impossible to avoid now. We forget what a harmful effect bad ecology, bad habits, poor-quality nutrition, as well as the deficiency of necessary vitamins and microelements have in the body. ​ 

With care for you, we created a unique product - "Royal Honey for Him". It contains natural components in special and exact proportions: honey and extracts of medicinal plants. 

"Royal Honey for Him" is a means that improves potency, prolongs sexual intercourse, increases sensitivity and makes it possible to enjoy more intense and vivid sensations during intimacy.

"Royal Honey for Him" favorably differs from other preparations for increasing potency due to its composition and wide spectrum of action.  Each stick (10 grams) contains 98% honey, 1% ginseng root extract and 1% Eurycoma longleaf extract. You can read more about the components of the product and their useful properties here  .

How to take?

1 package "Royal Honey for Him" contains 5 or

20 sticks of 10 grams each. One stick is a portion that is enough for the desired effect to be maintained up to 3 days.

Take the contents of 1 stick (10 g) no more than 1 time in  3 days. Just eat the contents of 1 stick while drinking water, tea or juice.

Pay attention!

No remedy is a panacea for all diseases.

We care about your health, so we strongly ask you not to violate the basic rules of restoring erectile function - do not refuse specialized, qualified medical care, do not abuse alcohol and tobacco, do not engage in self-medication. 

Factors,  that negatively affect the work of the male reproductive system:

Image by Stefano Pollio


Bad ecology

Unbalanced nutrition

Deficiency of vitamins

Bad Habits

Chronic and periodic diseases




ISO 22000  TU U 10.8 - 36797453- 003:2023

TM Royal Honey for Him - Goods and Services Mark Certificate No. 204977

Biologically active supplement for increasing potency, increasing libido, and increasing endurance. Supplement for men. Clinically proven and tested. Availability of all necessary certificates. From us you can buy a supplement to increase potency, male strength, and confidence. To buy a drug to increase potency, it is not necessary to go to a pharmacy. You can place an order in our online store with delivery in Kyiv and Ukraine by mail. On the website, you can familiarize yourself with the properties of the active additive for increasing the potency of Royal Honey, and view the certificates for our products.

​Royal Honey for Him is extremely effective in ensuring maximum safety, as it is created only from completely natural ingredients. Thanks to innovative solutions, Royal Honey for Him is created on the basis of active and effective ingredients, which provides you with an erection at the highest level.

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